My Pictionary Book - Dr. Yogesh Ramani
Prof. (Dr.) Yogesh Ramani
MA (ELT), CTE, M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Science College Morbi
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D V Mehta
English Medium School
Pictionary is easy to use. Students will learn how to use English vocabulary
by looking at the pictures and words on each page. The pictures explain the
words meaningfully. Students can discover the meaning of the word by seeing
it in the context. Colourful illustrations make the search for words more
interesting and It
unfailingly makes learning enjoyable and memorable too.
Dr. D K Vadodaria
School Rajkot
Pictionary is an individual vocabulary and spelling resource. The strategy
ensures that students take ownership of their learning. They can refer this
book when they’re reading, writing and speaking. My Pictionary can also be
grouped by various themes which support understanding of the relationship of
students and nature around them.
Dr. Ketan Pithadia
Premier Schools Rajkot
Pictionary is an interactive dictionary with an innovative approach. It
is a compact introduction to the use of dictionary. This book is an
all-in-one reference and helps students to learn English in a visual and
accessible way. This book is rich with visual representations and
explanations of over 5000 words.
Mr. Ashish Vekariya
Government School Rajkot
can use this colourful picture words book to help students when they are just
starting to learn English and help them to build up their vocabulary. It
teaches the students to look up and understand the meaning of the word
practically. This book has colourful pictures that contain all the major
concepts that students should know.
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