Thursday 26 November 2015

Usefulness of Videos and Films for Language Teaching

Teaching Literature:
Using Films or Videos as Support Materials
The Usefulness of Videos and Films for Language Teaching

Over the past decade there has been a rapid development of Multimedia in Education. Multimedia is the term used to describe a Hypertext system that incorporates a variety of media besides text, Including Graphics, Animation, Video, Sound, and Hypertext Links. Interactive Language Learning Using video, CD ROM, & Computers, allow learner’s ability to view and actively participate in lessons at their desired speed.

Using Videos or Films in Foreign or Second Language Classroom

Video used in a classroom should be interpretive and to the point. Video is at best defined as the selection and sequence of messages in an audio-visual context. It could be inferred that student comprehension of the video may be due to the visual clues instead of the auditory components. Video offers a large variety of language learning situations, e.g. Films, Plays, Quizzes, Animations, News, etc

Video is a form of communication and it can be achieved without the help of language, since we often interact by gesture, eye contact and facial expression to convey a message. Video provides visual stimuli such as the environment and this can lead to and generate prediction, speculation and a chance to activate background schemata when viewing a visual scene reenacted.

Language found in videos could help non-native speakers to understand stress patterns. Videos allow the learner to see body rhythm and speech rhythm in second language discourse through the use of authentic language and speed of speech in various situations. Videos can make the task, situation or language more authentic.

Videos can stimulate and motivate student’s interest & allow contextual clues to be offered. Learners prefer action or entertainment films to language films or documentaries in the classroom, although these films may seem to hold student interest. Videos are generally Interesting, can be Motivational for language learning.

More importantly, videos can be used to help distinguish items on a listening comprehension test, aid in the role of recall, help to sequence events, as well as be adapted, edited or changed in order to meet the needs of the language learner (Canning, 1998).  Due to Technology, Videos can be edited according to language learning materials and even teacher can combine series of video and other 'tricks' can be easily performed.

A review of the literature pertaining to film use as a pedagogical tool suggests that the unique features of film provide a powerful teaching device. Film viewers have the ability to actively participate in the images to which they are being exposed. Though the use of film, may provide a beneficial addition to existing teaching methods, devotion to appropriate Copyright Law should be maintained, for example, it is permissible for an educator to show a properly Copyrighted DVD to their class within an appropriate educational setting. Film is a valuable media form that can positively contribute to diversity education.
Role of Teacher

Use of Videos or Films should be based on Sound Pedagogical Principles. Teacher has to structure the use of Videos or Films through tasks since that ensures interaction. A variety of Videos or Films are available e.g. Language - Teaching Broadcasts and Films; Some can be Recorded, e.g. Domestic Television Broadcasts; also many industries and companies also produce educational materials that can be used for language teaching purposes. The teacher can produce a variety of tasks based on what he wants to teach e.g. Verbal Cues, Visual Cues, Taking Skills, sorting; Information, Vocabulary Practice, Prediction, Role-Plays, Imitating Gesture and Intonation, Narrative Recall, Focused Debates and so on.
Stepping Stone  
Scholars Academia's Video Library 


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