Saturday 16 January 2016

Language Lab Activity for Engineering Students

Digital English Language Lab 

Activity 1: I Me and My Self Activity
Objective: Students are taught to prepare one page introduction. They are going to speak it in front of the class.

Activity 2: Introduce Any Two Unknown Peers
Objective: Students will talk about his peers on the stage by giving spontaneous presentation.

Activity 3: Show Time and Get Written Feedback
Objective: Student will write about his classmate (Real feedback) on blank page.

Activity 4: FACEBOOK Post Activity; Reinforcement
Objective: Students will write whatever they think, feel, or want on the circulated page.

Activity 5: Celebration of Pain
Objective: Students will define his or her problem and try to solve problem with positive attitude.

Activity 6: The 10 MOST Words
Objective: Students will be given 10 abstract words and then in a pair students will prepare a presentation.  

Activity 7: Suggestions to GOD for Making New World
Objective: Students will be informed to define the list of problems which they are facing. Choose any 3 students who will be God and listen to the problems and attempt to give solutions of said problems. In next phase, God will ask for suggestions for making New and Better World.  

·         English Grammar Exercise
·         Exploring web resources for letter writing and share best letter
·         Globarena Listening and Writing Practice
·         Story Telling and End with Creative Idea
·         Article Review on “Education System” for Reading Comprehension
·         Practicing English on and Submitted EL Activities as an Assignment
English for everyday -
Online Learning English -
·         Watched Video on “Standard English” and Written Study Note on it



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