Wednesday 14 October 2015

Research Paper: Routing Protocol in MANET

Ms. Arzoo Khanderia
Research Scholar
M.E. (Computer Engineering)
B.H. Gardi College of Engineering and Technology Rajkot

This Research Paper is published in SOHAM An International Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal ISSN 2350-0697 Volume 3, Issue 2 January – March 2015

MANET is one of the interesting research areas as it is used in many network and sensor based application. MANET is a collection of nodes which communicates without any central infrastructure. MANET hosts are self-organized and due to its demanding application, its bit difficult to find route between nodes. In this survey, paper presents comparison of different routing parameters of three routing proactive, reactive and hybrid routing in order to evaluate the better routing technique. The basic objective behind is to evaluate performance of algorithm for their better improvement.

Keywords: Routing, FSP, MANET etc.

Ad hoc network we can define as network having lack of central controller. In which nodes communicate without any infrastructure. Figure below shows general idea how ad hoc network;

MANET that is mobile ad hoc network is consist of nodes which can be able to act as host and router and has limited battery life thus must be used appropriately. Most of its energy is utilized in routing among nodes. Along with it one of issue in MANET is dynamic topology in concern with routing, as topology changes. General characteristics of MANET are: 1. Dynamic topology: Nodes can easily enter and leave network as well as it can freely move in the network. 2. Bandwidth constrain: It has less bandwidth compare to wired network. 3. Limited Security:  Security is major concern as it distributive network thus it is more vulnerable to attacks like denial of service, spoofing, etc. 4. Self- operated: Each node should capable enough to discover its neighboring nodes and should route packet accordingly. Above ad hoc characteristics must be necessary to add when we design new routing protocol. By keeping in mind such characteristics the protocol must have following characteristics

Fast adaptability: Protocol must be able to adapt the changes of topology and must be behaving in appropriate.

Stable route selection: Route selection must be such that it may have stable link for more time.

Loop avoidance: It must such that it detect the loop in path and resolve in order to make it more efficient.

Security: Network must be survived under various security thefts as a result performance of network can be increased.

Next section in paper is organized as 1.1 Routing in MANET section 2 conclusion section 3 reference

Routing in MANET

Today many new protocols are proposed which includes its various advantages and disadvantages. One point to be kept in mind must be routing in wired network to that of wireless network are different due to its various reasons like: Mobility, Route update, Limited transmission range. Similarly we can say performance of wireless network is different than wired network. For example one can say that in wired network nodes are not mobile so their energy consumption will be less than that of wireless. So this can be considered as one of challenging issue in MANET. Basically routing is divided into three major categories that are: 1. Proactive 2. Reactive 3. Hybrid. Here we are going to have detail of each routing protocol and have its comparative study on each proactive, reactive and hybrid routing.

Table driven approach. It maintains table to have information about network topology which is periodically exchange between each node.

1. Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)
DSDV is table driven approach and table updates with increasing sequence number. Here sequence number is used to avoid formation of loop in the network. Table in this algorithm contains: Possible path to reach destination, Next hop, Number of hops, Sequence number, Install time, etc. Advantage include loop free path, update view of network etc. Along with disadvantage include scalability, overhead.

2. Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP)
Enhancement of distance vector routing which uses Bellman ford algorithm for calculation of path of network. This protocol is mainly designed and proposed to solve problem of count to infinity. Difference between DSDV and WAR is just WAR uses set of tables to have more accurate information of network. The advantage includes reliable message exchange. Disadvantage is lots of memory is required and not suitable for large network.

3. Fisheye State Routing Protocol (FSR)
This algorithm is based on link state routing algorithm to reduce overhead, highly scalable but it comes at heights of accuracy. As name says fish eyes thus it follows similar function as fish eyes which catches pixel near the focal with high detail, and detail decreases as a distance from focal point decreases. Advantage is it support multipath routing and QOS based routing but it also suffers from disadvantage that it has high storage complexity. Comparison of all three protocols is given as follows:

Require tables
Multi cast capability
Use of sequence number
No(with frequency)
Not scalable
Not for large network
Large network
Route freshness
Up to date
Up to date
May not be up to date
Loop free, delay free
Loop free, solve count to infinity
Support multipath routing
Not scalable,
High memory require, memory overhead
High storage complexity,

It is also termed as on demand routing protocol because there is no need to maintain table but path can be found out when there will be packet to send from source to destination. This concept was designed in order to reduce the bandwidth. Overall process of reactive protocol is further divided into steps which are different than proactive routing. The steps are: Route Discovery: In this, there is no information about topology of network or we can say node does not have route information from source to destination. Here packet is broadcasted from source to destination in order find route to destination. Route Maintenance: This process is initiated after route discovery process is carried out. When path is set up between source to destination it is necessary to maintain path because mobile nodes are moving and topology may change or if link failure occurs then it can be possible to reinitiate the route discovery.

1. Ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV)
AODV makes relationship using hello message exchange in the network. To communicate with destination source node follows the path: Source—intermediate—destination. To communicate it sends RREQ message (Route request) which contains: Source address, Destination address, Source sequence number, Destination sequence number, Broadcast id and TTL. Each node sends back RREP (route reply) to source node. If destination receives more than one RREQ from same source with same sequence number it only replies to one it receives first. Advantage is considered as delay is less, on demand basis and disadvantage falls as bandwidth consumption, etc.

2. Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)
TORA is based on link reversal concept. Basic aim of this protocol is to handle highly dynamic nature of network. TORA consist of three operation: Route creation, Route maintenance, Route erasure. TORA gives capability that many nodes can send packet to one destination and are loop free. The most challenging step in TORA is to have maintained route. To add multicasting in TOAR additional feature called LAM (light weight multicast algorithm) must be used with TORA.The advantage of TORA is that it has reduce the far-reaching control message to a set of neighboring nodes where topology changes frequently disadvantage include it may produce invalid routes.

3. Dynamic MANET on Demand Routing (DYMO)
DYMO is operated same as AODV or we can say that it can be successor of AODV. Just like AODV, DYMO is totally on demand and rout process is established when and as require when source has packet to send in network. Unlike AODV, DYMO does not support unnecessary HELLO messages and operation is based on sequence number of packet. It has same operation as others say route discovery and route maintenance for valid path find and for reliability of data in case of failure respectively.

4. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
DSR maintain route cache which contain all information about those rout which was learnt before. Whenever host wanted to send packet it first check its route cache if it does not have route then it initiate route discovery sends route request packet. Intermediate nodes checks whether they know the route and if it does not it changes address to the route record of packet and forward packet to neighbors. If route discovery is successful then source receives route receives route reply packet from destination which gives information of path from which target node is reached. Comparison of all four protocols can be given as:
Loop free
Route maintain in
Route table
Route table
Route table
Route cache
Routing metric
Fresh and short
Shortest path
Fresh and short
Shortest path
Design structure
Multicast capability
Yes with additional feature
Multiple route
Low overhead
Multiple route
Energy efficient, less overhead
Less overhead, no flooding as no table driven
Security ,
Bandwidth consumption
Produce invalid routes
Same as AODV
Security, Scalability

As name suggest “hybrid” that means combination of both proactive and reactive protocol. As it combination of both it take advantage of both the protocol. Based on such advantages various protocols are designed. They are as follows:

Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)
Hybrid protocol is mainly proposed to reduce overhead and latency. Zone based routing protocol is same as cluster based which divide network into two zones. Intra zone communication can be fast and immediate compare to inter zone communication. In intra zone if source and destination are in same zone than route will be easy while if its intra zone its communication between zone can be possible through inter zone routing protocol (IERP). To optimize the routing process between nodes Border cast Resolution protocol (BRP) is used to control traffic between zones.

CGSR (Cluster Head Gateway Switched Routing):
In this form the cluster from network.CGSR is hierarchical network topology and having flat topology. The member of cluster chooses the cluster head. The election of cluster head is done on basis of least cluster count (LCC). In this first packet is passed to head of cluster if it in same zone then it sends immediately and if destination is in different cluster than it first send to other cluster head and then send via that cluster head to destination.

Order one network protocol (OORP)
It is basically designed to work with wireless mesh network. The best feature is that it can handle hundreds of nodes simultaneously where as other cannot handle less than hundred and routing overhead is 1% to 5% or less which can be even less or same if network size is increased. Comparison of above protocol can be given as:

Loop free
May or may not
Reduce bandwidth usage
Better bandwidth utilization
Enough memory and reliable
Overlapping of zones
Increase path length
No security

From above analysis it can be conclude that all protocols has its own importance. And each has its best performance accordingly based on scenarios. Below shows the general analysis of all three routing protocol and its comparison.

Routing scheme
Table driven
On demand
Combination of both
Routing overhead
Loop free
Inside low, outside high
Periodic update
On demand
Inside zone
Future challenge
Security and QOS
Security and fault tolerance
Security, QOS and fault tolerance
Routing philosophy
Routing information
Stored in table
Does not store
Storage requirement
Depends on size of network

Here present various routing algorithm and their advantages and disadvantages. From survey it can be concluded that all protocols have different performance issue. From above three routing technique of proactive, reactive and hybrid, hybrid protocols gives better performance than other two as it is combination of both but there need to improve various QOS based issues in hybrid as well for better improvement. Along with QOS, Security of data and network is one of major issue which also must be considering for better stability.

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