Wednesday 8 April 2015

Communication Skills (2110002)

Gujarat Technological University

Communication Skills (2110002)

Define word ‘communication’ and explain the elements of communication process with the help of its model.

Discuss the main elements of non-verbal communication. Discuss the importance of effective non-verbal communication.
“You cannot not communicate…You communicate just by being.” Explain the statement in light of Kinesics.
‘Communication is the backbone of any organization’ – Justify the statement. Elaborate the terms ‘Kinesics’ and ‘Proxemics’. Give examples.

Why does communication fail? Discuss major barriers to effective communication with illustrations and examples.

What is presentation? Discuss the importance of audience analysis and locale for an effective presentation.
Effectiveness of your presentation up to some extent depends on your own analysis of your Audience and locale. – Justify.
“Before you teach John, you should learn John.” Why is knowing audience and locale important for planning a presentation?

What is the importance of interaction among the presenter and audience during a presentation? Explain briefly.

Mention five commonly faced problems by presenters while giving a presentation. Give suitable examples.

You are supposed to deliver a presentation on role of youth in nation’s development. Prepare an outline of the presentation.

Your friend is going to make presentation on ‘Paralinguistics’ in a workshop. To help your friend, write its content outline and your tips for making it effective.

What is listening? Differentiate between hearing and listening. Explain the types of listening.

How do you differentiate active and passive listening? What are the main traits of good listeners?

Paraphrasing and Reflecting Implications – These two are signs of a good listener. – Explain briefly.

Write a note on three barriers to effective listening. Offer your suggestions for removing those barriers.

“Man’s inability to communicate is a result of his failure to listen effectively.” Keeping this statement in mind, discuss in detail, the traits of a good listener.
What are the traits of a good listener? How can you make out if the other person is listening to you properly or not?


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